perjantai 24. helmikuuta 2012

I saw Iron Sky and it was good

Ok, I had an opportunity to see Iron Sky today at press screening here in Helsinki so of course I took it.

I didn't know what to expect after Berlin. By reviews it seemed that some loved and some hated it. Well I can't say I loved it but I liked it a lot. And I mean a lot.

Ok, flick ain't gonna win best actor or actress prizes. Neither it will get those for screenplay or directing but who cares, it is a movie about nazis on moon!

To be honest it is basically quite classic b-movie. But it has a nice Finnish twist: From time to time it's more straightforward, politically incorrect and even brutal than Hollywood would never dare. And it is funny at least once and a while,

It is also visually stunning what is outstanding if you think of it it has a budget less than 10 million euros. Will it find it's big audiences? Probably. Will it become a cult movie? Most definitely!

PS. Julia Dietze is smoking hot!

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