keskiviikko 15. helmikuuta 2012

Time to come out of a closet

Ok, I confess. Among many things I also collect science fiction props. You know that cool stuff used in movies. I don't have much of it but the few pieces I have I truly like. Because we have quite small apartment I've kept them mostly in my closet. I doubt you are interested but I tell anyway that Actually I don't think that my fiance even knows about them. I've been too lazy or afraid to tell her. Don't blame me blame the nerd inside me. He was the one who told me on one drunken evening that "dude, actually most women don't give a horses ass about cool things used in scifi movies". He was right and my lips are sealed.

The pearl of my collection is a screen used Alien egg. You know H.R. Gigers cool designs, right? Those mean steellizards who have acid running in their veins and whose eggs are so nasty that if you try to make scramble out of them you end up beeing bacon.

The egg is 1:6 in scale and it was used in Aliens from 1986. The scene was the one where Ripley burns a bunch of those evil eggs with a flamethrower. Back then there were no cgi so they used different size eggs to create an illusion of a bigger space. The smallest were those 1:6 and the biggest were a bit bigger than 1:1.

Few years back when I managed to buy that egg I thought that it deserves a decent display. Even though I don't know when I'll be able to place it somewhere to display. Anyhow I also got a picture of lieutenant Ripley with an original signature of the queen of science fiction, Sigourney Weaver.

Ok, enough mumbling all ready! Here goes.

Probably I will add pics of my other "treasures" some day, but today is not that day. So if you're interested you just need to keep following.

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